save the giants whole crew

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Colors For Conservation

Click the image to visit the shop

Proceeds from this shop go directly to Save the Giants. You can support this conservation initiative just by shopping! Find your favorite designs in apparel, jewelry, bags, greeting cards, original works of art and so much more.

Check out our children's book

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Proceeds from this shop go directly to Save the Giants. You can support this conservation initiative and learn about becoming wilderness wise. The book was authored and illustrated by Save The Giants board members.

Want to donate field equipment?

Click the image to visit our wishlist

Is a former zookeeper and artist, a portion of the proceeds from her artwork are donated to conservation. Save the Giants is grateful to be a recipient of some of this fundraising. Thanks Sunna! If you'd like to check out and support her work, click the image to visit her website.

Have your own idea for a fundraiser, or want to participate in one of ours?

Contact Save The Giants. We'd love to hear from you. 
* All donations are final.